Upsizing the cannabis grow

My best pal is named Max, and we have been roommates and business partners for the last three years, off and on. When he got news his uncle had passed away, I drove with him out to the countryside to help him settle affairs. Max was the last living member of the family, it turns out, and had inherited some land. This was a good six hours away from home, so we ended up checking out the property and staying the night there. It turns out this place was ideal for growing cannabis, and on a much bigger scale than we were used to. Max and I had been growing and selling high grade cannabis for a handful of local clients. Our cannabis was always amazing, and everyone knew it, so we were able to charge top dollar. Our sales were limited by our very small cannabis grow room, though, so we had no way to expand. Although this palace was six hours away from our base of operations, it was an ideal spot for us to grow as much cannabis as we could handle. The main house was a bit decrepit and would need some work, but the outlying buildings were sturdy, and the soil seemed perfect for cannabis plants. The only real obstacle was the drive, because transporting large amounts of cannabis that far on a regular basis could get risky. We decided to save that problem for another day, and to focus on transporting our gear out here and getting a full sized cannabis operation up and running.

Cannabis edibles