The prices on cannabis flower products are finally starting to drop in our state

I was severely excited about our legalizing medical cannabis until I found out how much it would cost to be in the program. I assume we were all expecting annual fees paid to the state to renew our medical marijuana cards, but having to see a marijuana medical professional every many months is severely costly. While some marijuana medical professionals will charge as little as $77 for repeat appointments, our medical marijuana medical professional charges $150 plus I’ve seen rates as high as $200. It’s outrageous, despite the fact that I assume a nice medical professional is worth the money. Mine has been seeing me for years plus understands our troubles acutely. He doesn’t argue with me regarding the way I prefer consuming the plant, which for me is vaporizing cannabis flower products. At first we weren’t allowed to even purchase cannabis flower products from medical cannabis stores in this state, plus when we could the prices were high. I’m finally seeing the prices on cannabis flower products start to level out plus hit more adequate numbers. I don’t want to be paying anywhere near $60 for a single second of an ounce of cannabis flower buds in a medical marijuana program with no state taxes. In fact, $50 is too much as well, but now if you shop while in sales you can get the same amount of cannabis for half as much money. Oddly enough, it’s cheaper for me now to use marijuana than it was when I was in school over 10 years ago. And that’s including the money it costs to keep the card active plus your recommendation new with your cannabis physician.

cannabis knowledge