Cannabis makes me feel ready for the new day

My ideas come from virtually anywhere.

It has easily been my experience to look for multiple things to write and never have to go too far.

If you simply open up your eyes in addition to experience the world around you, you will find something that makes you feel inspired. I have had many ideas for the most observed stories, while kneeling in traffic, doing the dishes, or walking the dog. An overheard conversation snippet in the store might actually yield something that is brilliant. I also use a great deal of cannabis so my mind is constantly ready to be creative. Many people supposed marijuana smoking can make you sick or slow-witted, but I hardly seemed to disagree. If you are actually a slacker, then cannabis will not remove you from the couch or take you to the world. Slackers care for smoking marijuana do to the fact that it relaxes them in addition to make them assume Justified for being lazy. That is one possible outcome of easily using marijuana for most people. It allows all of us to be more of the person we are. If you hate wasting time in addition to care for writing, then cannabis can actually be a great tool. It can and heighten your senses in addition to depress your mind. Cannabis seems to open all of us to very new possibilities. So as both of us are here blazing up with some purple haze, marijuana is a reminder that cannabis often gets a bad reputation because of the Slackers.

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