We were not pleased with the youngsters breaking the rules

My husband plus I were supposed to go out of the city for a little while… My mom was meant to be at the home with the youngsters, however she ended up getting strep throat at the last hour plus chose to cancel.

My youngsters claimed that they could stay at the property all weekend by themselves plus everything would be fine.

I was uncertain, but we made the plans plus I could not cancel them. After we left the property on Monday, I called my child plus he did not answer the iPhone. Seriously, he was supposed to be at the property plus he told me that he would not leave the home at all while we were gone. I started to get very angry when I called once more plus the phone wasn’t answered. I refused to get on the aircraft plus I canceled all of my plans so we could go back to the property. When we got back to the house, I found the youngsters having a sizable party in the backyard. The music was turned up legitimately loud plus the youngsters were smoking recreational marijuana. The entire backyard had the powerful scent of marijuana. I asked my child where the marijuana came from, regardless of the fact that he would not supply me an answer. I learned later on that he used his brother’s identification card to order marijuana supplies from a delivery service. My child does not look anything like his brother. I was sincerely outraged that the marijuana dispensary sold products to my 15-year-old child without second guessing the ID.


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