I honestly love working as a delivery driver. When I was 17, I got a task working at a pizza shop. I genuinely received fine tips plus I liked driving my vehicle all around the city. I was still undoubtedly new to driving plus it was pretty exciting to get behind the wheel every day for work! After I started school, I found a task delivering packages for a retailer online. I worked early mornings so I could go to university during the day. I worked at the packaging store for approximately 18 weeks, and then I got a strange task working as a delivery driver. One of my buddies told me that the recreational marijuana dispensary was looking for delivery drivers. I was 21 at that time plus actually old enough to apply for a task in the dispensary. I already had great experience working as a delivery driver, so I hoped that would help me get my foot in the door. Sure enough, I acquired a call just a couple of mornings after I sent my application to the marijuana dispensary director. The director was looking to have me come in for an interview immediately, even though I had psychology class that day. She waited until that afternoon to speak with me. The director at the marijuana dispensary was perfectly nice. She reminded me of my mom to be honest. I got the task working at the marijuana dispensary plus I started a couple of weeks later. I still work at the dispensary plus I still use my vehicle to deliver. When university is over, I will be concerned to quit my task at the marijuana dispensary plus start a work position at another location.