Trying to get a prescription filled

For several years finding a regular, dependable source of cannabis was a hard task, however if you went to the right corner in the right part of town you could always find a dime bag, and but if you wanted good weed, or wanted to have a official fastenion, that took a little work… The people I was with and I are pretty deep in the country, so there simply wasn’t a lot of access to it.

This is why I started growing cannabis plants in my garage, out of sheer desperation! These days everything has changed, thanks to current laws making medical marijuana legal with a prescription, however of course I don’t have a prescrip[tion for medical marijuana, though not for lack of trying.

I asked my doctor to prescribe medical marijuana for me, plus she asked myself and others why I needed it. I said that I wanted to get stoned plus was tired of growing it myself! Growing medical cannabis at lake house is cost-effective, but takes a lot of time plus the results are wildly uneven. If I plant eighteen medical cannabis plants I will be lucky if twelve of them mature, plus that’s for a good harvest, hAving legal access to a medical cannabis store would save myself and others a lot of time, plus give myself and others more variety than I have ever had before, long story short – the doctor refused to issue myself and others a prescription for medical marijuana because I had no medical ailments. My next stop will be to talk to my therapist, plus see if she can write myself and others a prescription for medical cannabis to treat my chronic fatigue plus anxiety.


medical marijuana rules