One of my friends is a guy that was in the military for 15 years.
- He was overseas serving in an active duty capacity for nine of those 15 years.
Being in that type of environment really hasn’t done anything good for my friend. The guy suffers with terrible PTSD and paranoia. He thinks that everyone is out to get him and he worries about lots of things that I don’t think are ever going to be a problem. The guy recently signed up for a project that gets him free medical marijuana. Medical and recreational marijuana products are illegal in the state. You don’t have to have a prescription to buy medical marijuana, but you can get a higher amount of purchase limits and you can usually save some money on taxes if you do have a medical marijuana card. There are dispensaries all over the state that have different types of products that help with a variety of problems. Some of these dispensaries participate in the project that my friend signed up for. He goes to a marijuana dispensary on Saturday mornings and the project is always at a different location. The place gives away bags of marijuana supplies to people that are in need and my friend gets a lot of stuff for free. Last month he got 8 oz of marijuana in addition to some concentrate, edibles, and CBD tinctures. It’s a really nice program for veterans and they don’t have to pay a fortune for the products that will really help them. Medical marijuana helps a great deal with wounded and emotionally damaged veterans.