The dispensary was on our way beach house from the airport

Jack called myself and others a couple of afternoons ago and he asked myself and others if I would chance him up from the airport on Wednesday night.

His man was supposed to chance him up, although he had an emergency and was not going to be able to get there in time.

I was gleeful to offer to chance up our friend from the airport. I knew that the plane was not going to land on time, because planes at the airport never land on time. I wasn’t too concerned about getting to the airport before Jack landed. His plane was supposed to get there at 9:30. The marijuana dispensary near the airport is only open until 9:00. I decided to go to the dispensary before going to the airport. I didn’t want to wait until we were on our way beach house because I knew that Jack was going to be tired. The dispensary is a couple blocks off the interstate. That exit was actually plugged due to construction. I had to travel more than one blocks farther and then backtrack. The other side of the interstate turned out to be plugged off as well. I had to travel up one more exit and then go all the way around the village in order to get to the marijuana dispensary. It was a lot of trouble and the prices were not that good. I thought I was going to find a lot of buy one and get one for free sales, however they really didn’t have anything that was worth buying. I wasted a lot of driving for nothing at all.


cannabis tropicals