Not only were they fully staffed with cannabis budtenders, but they had a fat stack of applications of other people who wanted to work there.
I know that people tell my fiance Ed that I’m just a gold digger, but they are all wrong. I genuinely care for Ed, and not just because he owns a business, three cars, and a house with a swimming pool. I love Ed for his personality, although I very much enjoy everything else, too. I don’t like having a job, I never have. When given my druthers I prefer to focus on art, and baking, and enjoying time laying out by the pool. I also enjoy a steady stream of cocktails and medical cannabis, just for a general sense of well-being. It seems that all the loose talk finally got into Ed’s mind, and he told me I needed to find a job and stop smoking medical cannabis every day. Taking his warning to heart, I went over to one of the local medical cannabis shops in town and asked if they were hiring. Not only were they fully staffed with cannabis budtenders, but they had a fat stack of applications of other people who wanted to work there. I was trying to kill two birds with one stone by finding a job related to medical cannabis, but apparently it was not in the cards for me. While I was perusing the store, I realized there were dozens of other kinds of medical cannabis products I could be using instead. By my reasoning, I could eat some cannabis gummies, or sip on fruit juice infused with THC and CBD, and Ed would never realize that I was still getting high.