Reunion rebirth with trip to cannabis dispensary

It was getting ugly and somebody just had to do something.

  • So me and my highschool girlfriend jumped in her car and headed to the local cannabis spot.

It had been such a long, long time since I had been home that I didn’t really know my way around anymore. For sure, there were no cannabis dispensaries back when we were in highschool. And the town had grown so much that it was now this sort of trendy, small city. My old girlfriend had stayed put so she was all in when I suggested some recreational marijuana. Cannabis products have been legal for anyone of age here for several years now. But that’s not what brought me back to my home town. It was my 30th highschool reunion that brought me back. The committee who put it all together really went out of their way to get it right. I was so impressed with the turnout and indeed, it was great to see everyone. That said, it got boring quick. And I was for sure not interested in being stone, cold sober for a night of too much back-slapping. So off we went to the local cannabis spot. It was actually so nice to spend some time with someone who I’ve actually stayed close with all of these years. She’s turned out to be quite the dear friend. It was so much fun actually shopping for marijuana for sale together. When we were dating, we wouldn’t have known the right end of a joint to light. And yet, here we were getting a bunch of cannabis edibles for any and all who wanted to partake. Sure enough, it was those edibles that saved our 30th highschool reunion.
