Paying the local teens in cannabis instead of money

I do have a strict rule about never telling anyone where they got the cannabis.

I am too aged to do the labor any more, I need younger people to do it for me. Having just turned 69 I think the afternoons of me working in the yard, mowing the shrubbery, or tending to the garden are long behind me. I sit in the shade on my back porch, rocking in my aged hand-made wooden rocking chair, as well as sometimes doing a little dove watching. I hire local teenagers to do the yardwork for me, as well as any other chores that need done. It is never a complication for me to find a helpful teenager willing to work, because I regularly have cannabis on hand. I have more cannabis than I could ever smoke in the rest of my years, so instead of paying the local teens with money, I spend money them with weed. It’s a great system that works out for most people. I don’t care what other people say, it’s OK for teenagers to smoke cannabis. Teens have been smoking cannabis for decades, as well as I don’t see a moral issue with it. I do have a strict rule about never telling anyone where they got the cannabis. If they get caught with it, they better keep my name out of their mouth, or they never get any more labor or cannabis from me again. So far they all seem like good teenagers, who aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty for some high quality marijuana. I only have the finest cannabis strains in my collection of glass jars, which I have bought legally over the years from a number of cannabis dispensaries.



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