This week there are some updates being made on the cannabis dispensary software, then the old software was installed when the dispensary opened in 2015, then since then, there have been at least three separate updates… I did not want to make the updates, because I was sad about closing down the shop, but when the software updates came out this time, I found out that they could be done overnight. Since my largest problem was losing time as well as closing to the public, I agreed to the cannabis dispensary software updates, but last Wednesday night I closed the shop down at 10:00 p.m. as usual. I contacted the dispensary software supplier because there was no one there. The people informed me that the service would be done remotely. I did not undoubtedly understand how they were going to update the software if no one was in the building. The guy told me to make sure that all of the laptops were left on instead of turned off as well as the updating supplier would handle the rest. I did not think it was going to be possible, however the next day I came to the dispensary to open the store as well as check on the updates as well as everything was flawlessly laboring. The software updated as well as more than eighty odd changes were made to the system. The new programming undoubtedly does not seem that much odd than the old stuff, however they offer 24-hour concernshooting services for any concerns or questions on the new software. So far it seems like the update was flawless.