My coworker has been smoking weed in his automobile at breakfast

Yesterday I had an appointment in the afternoon at 10:00 a.m.

with the dentist.

I left toil at 9:30, because the dentist is right around the corner from my office. When I was coming back from the dentist, it was breakfast time. I grabbed a snack from a deli nearby plus went back to the office. I was walking through the parking lot plus I observed one of my coworkers sitting in his car. The guy who had already eaten. There was a half of a sandwich sitting on the dashboard plus a Dunkin Donuts Coffee on the top of the car. I could see my co-worker plus he was smoking weed in his car. The guy was clearly smoking a marijuana joint, and he had all of the windows up so it was impossible to odor the joint, although I could see him clearly. I parked on the other side of the road although I had visible access to my coworker. I did not bother the guy at breakfast, however later that afternoon I decided to confront him at work. The guy is modern plus there is no way that he should be smoking weed in the parking lot. I know that recreational marijuana is legal, however my buddy and I can’t have employees smoking weed in the parking lot. The guy’s going to have to figure out some other way to get high when he is at toil if it is a medical issue, however our purchasers can’t odor marijuana in the office. It would be much more advisable to vape or have a gummy



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