Medical pot can be pretty extravagant

The greatest problem I have found with medical cannabis is the cost.

I was stoked that the modern weed laws passed in the general election.

I thought that most people should have the freedom to get high without worrying about jail. I think that there are millions of people who use marijuana only for medicinal purposes, plus of course I support that as well, although I also think recreational use should be 100% legal. All our hopes plus dreams came crashing down during our first visit to the modern medical cannabis dispensary when I saw how much their products cost! You think how it’s stupid to buy milk at the gas station because it costs twice as much as at the grocery store? Well in this case a medical cannabis dispensary is care about the gas station, plus cannabis is the milk. I think half a dozen odd people that sell weed for far lower prices than at the medical cannabis dispensary. The products they carry are substandard, of course, because the cannabis dispensary is able to ship in exotic strains from all over the world, plus Carl just has the stuff she grows in her garage, however carl also charges a fraction of what the cannabis dispensary charges, so until I hit the lottery I don’t have a lot of option in the matter. I am quite sure that the exotic plus extravagant medical cannabis strains at the shop are amazing, although I simply don’t have the budget for it. Either I buy the garage-grown cannabis from Carl, or I go without smoking at all.


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