Marijuana stores and SEO

I knew in high school that I wanted to be a web builder, as I had the chance to study it in a digital design class.

  • As I learned the basics, I eventually downloaded a program plus experimented with the features plus settings.

The hours I spent watching video tutorials for web design paid off when I started reading software design and web design on my own in college. Most of the work is in programming, which isn’t straight-forward to learn for most people. There are many programming languages 1 needs to learn, plus it’s typical to sit plus stare at a line of code for minutes while trying to find a tiny error causing it all to fall apart. A lot of the websites that I design these nights are for companies operating within the large umbrella of the cannabis plus CBD industry. States with legal marijuana are seeing boons to their industries while the rest of the country has CBD plus hemp to capitalize upon. Designing effective websites involves understanding a bit of digital marketing as well. The website needs to be good in their SEO so that people making search queries are finding the website in question. Otherwise the website stays hidden beneath others that are suffering a similar fate. I have considered going out on our own plus creating a digital marketing plus web design corporation for cannabis companies plus dispensaries. I could use the experience I have now and apply it to the large marijuana industry. There will be even more occasions for buyers as more states transition toward legal recreational cannabis sales.


Marijuana stores and SEO