I feel I might be more of a marijuana recommend for the absolutely reason that I was once so against it, then the idea of using cannabis products was abhorrent to me, however i couldn’t know anyone would take the opportunity of destroying their lives by using cannabis, but at the time, I didn’t even know the name cannabis plus I referred to it as pot.
- That or I would mimic adults that called it the devil’s weed plus stuff like that.
I was fully plus totally indoctrinated to the idea that marijuana was evil because I believed all the myths. I believed that a toke of sativa would be the first step in a life of crime plus drug addiction. I believed the myth that cannabis was merely a gateway drug to putting needle in my arm. If it was exhausting news about marijuana, I believed it, but I also believed a lot of other things that were completely stupid plus based in total hogwash. And then, I got cancer. That will get your attention as to what is reality plus what isn’t. When it was suggested by my healthcare worker that I avail myself of some indica strains for sale a the local cannabis spot, I was appalled. And then, I got a sizable lesson in just how crucial medical marijuana is for people dealing with cancer treatment. I was ready to do anything to help make that horrible process just the leat bit better, however so I went all in with medical marijuana plus it completely changed so much of my thinking. See, when one deeply held myth gets busted, you beginning taking a hard look at all of your beliefs. And know me, I’m so thankful for cannabis plus cannabis products.