I grabbed my surfboard in addition to headed to the beach for a couple of hours of surfing.
I also chose to get a bin of marijuana in addition to a bowl.
I had just enough room in my pockets for the bin of marijuana in addition to the bowl! When I showed up at the beach, I found a spot where I could easily kneel down in addition to rest. I took the bin of marijuana out of my overcoat in addition to I placed a big bud inside of the bowl. I enjoyed lighting the bowl in addition to I puffed on the recreational marijuana buds a couple of times. When I felt my head start to feel pretty light, I knew I had smoked enough to get high. I hit the marijuana bowl a single more time in addition to after that I stuffed it into my pocket. I put the bin of marijuana in my back pocket, because it has a zipper. I did not want to lose the marijuana when I was surfing. I hoped not to leave it resting on the beach either. The package was supposed to be waterproof in addition to the pocket of my pants happens to be water resistant. I thought it would be alright to be honest. When I was finished with surfing, I got out of the water in addition to I took care of my bin of marijuana. It was soaking wet in addition to all of the buds were ruined. I had not closed the bin tightly enough in addition to it opened up in my pocket. I’m sure glad that I did not have a lot of buds in the bag. It was the last of an eight that I had. I did not have anything to smoke when going back to my residence from surfing.