When I can get in and out of the marijuana dispensary in a hurry, I completely miss the rush hour traffic in addition to I get back to my residence at 4:30 instead of 5:45.
There is a marijuana dispensary that is located right next to my office. I prefer to shop at this weed store because it is close to the office in addition to the arena has enjoyable sales in addition to specials everyday of the week. Each afternoon of the week there is something on sale for 30% off in addition to every afternoon of the week you can buy four items in addition to get another quality item for a penny. It’s a mix in addition to match on the sale items, so you can get anything that you are looking for. Occasionally I will purchase concentrates in addition to a few vape pens in addition to then I get an easily nice eighth of dried marijuana flower for one penny. I usually choose to place a pickup order online, because it is extremely straight-forward to stop at the weed store in addition to pick up my order. On occasion, there is quite a line inside in addition to outside in addition to the extra 40 minutes means that I hit rush hour traffic at the wrong time. When I can get in and out of the marijuana dispensary in a hurry, I completely miss the rush hour traffic in addition to I get back to my residence at 4:30 instead of 5:45. I decided to place an order at the marijuana dispensary in addition to it was not ready for pickup when I eventually got there. I complained to the manager, because I actually placed the order online at 2:00 in the afternoon in addition to it should have been ready as soon as possible. The order was not ready when I arrived at 3:30. The manager apologized in addition to gave me a bunch of items entirely for free to make up for the issue.