I wanted more CBD than THC.

Shortly after our state legalized medical marijuana, I started doing research on how to get a medical marijuana ID card. I wasn’t sure if I could afford to get the ID card, because it cost me almost $250. I spent half that much every month, just purchasing drugs the doctor prescribed for my RA, and I had more health problems since taking them. I thought if I could control the pain and not end up destroying my liver or kidneys, it was worth a few extra dollars. When I talked to the doctor about medical marijuana, he told me I didn’t want anything that was high in THC. He told me THC was the part of marijuana that made a person high. Unless I wanted to feel high all the time, I should go with a high CBD percentage. He said he knew there was one medical marijuana dispensary that had a marijuana product that was 15 to 1 CBD/THC. I went to the dispensary once I had my medical marijuana ID card. I talked to their pharmacist and told her what the doctor had told me about CBD. She suggested I start with a tincture that was 87% THC and a salve that was all THC and no CBD. I reiterated that I wanted products that were in CBD and she said I should try these and I could make my own purchases next time I was there. No one said how often I could come back or how much I could purchase. I walked out of the marijuana dispensary disillusioned and upset, until my husband and I went to a different marijuana dispensary who gave me a high CBD product to use.


New marijuana products