I took another risk on the cannabis dispensary

Quitting my stuffy office job and taking a risk was the best choice I ever made.

I say that while completely penniless, and without my own home.

In order to invest in this company I needed to disinfect my bank accounts, my 401, my retirement fund, and also sell my house! It is still too early to start turning a profit, so I’m certainly anxious about what the future holds. With all that said, it was still the best choice I ever made, because I finally feel alive again! When this cannabis dispensary takes off and starts generating major resite, then I will be even happier. As it stands, my levels of anxiety and stress are so much lower than my new position in the cannabis dispensary might have added years onto my life. They say stress is a killer, but my new job has zero stress. Not even because I smoke cannabis all day, either. Of course I care about smoking marijuana to relax, but I don’t do that at work. I try to remain professional, and remember that several of my clients rely on medical cannabis to help their physical and mental ailments. I smoke cannabis for fun, but these people need it for their health and sanity! This is another reason I appreciate laboring at the cannabis dispensary, because I have a direct impact on people and their lives, which makes me feel superb about myself. At my main outdated job I wasn’t making a difference I was just making cash, but at the cannabis dispensary I am helping people! Although I hope to also make cash one day.


medical cannabis