I got assigned the shelf stocking after the large sale

I had to work at the huge marijuana dispensary sale last Sunday when all of us had a large discount on every item inside of the store! All products were 25% off as well as that was delivery, pick up, as well as all online orders.

A lot of clients were excited about the sale. Every one of us advertised for a few weeks before the morning of the sale itself. I was busy working from before 10:00 a.m. until almost 6:00 p.m. as well as all of us were tied up during the entire time. I took a cut for breakfast, but that was the only moment I got to rest all morning. Every one of us had some representatives from other cannabis companies in our store. The sales were absolutely fantastic as well as that attracted clients from everywhere. Every one of us had over 50 people come to the marijuana shop that have never been there in the past. This is a lot of current clients in one morning. Every one of us sold out of various cannabis products that were on the shelves that morning. I assumed that they would restock the shelves at the marijuana dispensary that night! Unfortunately, I had to restock all of the shelves the next morning when I got to work. I didn’t even bother complaining, because I knew that it wasn’t going to do any good. The director worked the previous night on the closing shift, and obviously he didn’t give a damn if all of us were going to be stuck stocking the shelves the next morning or not. I spent almost 2 hours just filling the marijuana concentrates in the fridge. Almost everything from the bottom to shelves was gone. Every one of us haven’t had sales this good since the last 420 mega event.


Buying cannabis