The edibles are always on sale on Tuesdays, so I waited until Tuesday to take my mom.
My mom uses marijuana edibles to help treat chronic pain. I have been using recreational marijuana for a long time. I think that it generally helps me feel more calm and relaxed. I have a ton of anxiety and depression. When I use recreational marijuana products, I feel more mentally fit. I recommended marijuana to my mom a couple of years ago. At first she was not going to try it at all. She swore up and down that it was not going to be helpful. After a year of trying, my Mom finally gave up and decided to try marijuana edibles. I found a couple of different flavors and I bought them for my mom. She said that she would take one every day for 2 weeks to see if they helped or not. At the end of 2 weeks, my mom wanted me to take her to the recreational marijuana dispensary so she could purchase more. I found a marijuana dispensary near me that had a really great deal on edibles. The edibles are always on sale on Tuesdays, so I waited until Tuesday to take my mom. We got lots of different types of marijuana edibles and they were all less than $10. They even had a clearance bin with different brands that were about to expire. I knew that they would still be potent, so I told my mom that we should buy all of the packages that were less than $5. It’s been awhile since I’ve seen edibles that cheap and I knew that less than $10 for each package was an incredibly good deal.