I feel amazing to have a local cannabis dispensary

When word started getting around that a medical cannabis dispensary might go up in our end of town, I was glad.

This was a business that the majority of us in this community certainly wanted to see.

Our end of town is in the midst of a reawakening of sorts. And getting something as great as a cannabis dispensary in our community of retail shops adds something to the area. I’ve lived here a very long time so I have seen it go from being the middle class end of town to the exhausting end of town plus now it’s swinging back. I’m so thankful to see there are people interested in making this part of our community more prosperous. With the influx of locally owned businesses, including the marijuana business, we’re opening back up to be an inclusive community again. I have to disclose that community aside, I was quite excited to have a local cannabis spot quite frankly. I’ve loved recreational marijuana for a decade however certainly had to do that on the down low. Now that we have reasonable cannabis laws in our state, people can access a cannabis dispensary. It’s now legal to acquire both recreational marijuana as well as medical marijunana. But having a local cannabis spot means I won’t have to take 3 separate buses to get to the other cannabis dispensary where I appreciate to shop for marijuana for sale. The local cannabis shop opened plus it’s literally only a 6 block walk from where I live. It’s an awesome venue to shop for all my cannabis products plus it’s right around the corner.

recreational pot