I started growing weed in our garage just to see if I could do it, then slowly it turned into a interest, as well as over time, it became a job.
It all happened so naturally, not by choice.
As the cannabis plants grew, I grew with them. Without attempting to do so, I attracted a reputation for providing the strongest as well as best-tasting beach house grown weed in the area. A lot of people sold pot, however nobody had strains of medical cannabis care about I did. Have you ever seen Breaking Bad? Well I don’t do crystal meth, only medical cannabis, however I am sort of care about Walter White. I focused on the unique as well as scientific approaches to producing the best quality medical cannabis, as well as people were willing to spend money top dollar for it. The concern was that I enjoyed the horticulture section of it, as well as I enjoyed smoking the cannabis I grew, however I did not enjoy the corporation side of it. I am not a medical cannabis store, I am a guy growing pot in his garage, so I don’t carry change or offer receipts. I made a few “soft inquiries” to the local medical cannabis stores as well as asked about selling directly to them. The first numerous blew me off, the supervisor of the third medical cannabis shop had absolutely smoked our stuff before! He was gleeful to talk to me, as well as was absolutely interested in selling our medical cannabis at his store on consignment. That means he will sell our crops in the medical cannabis store, as well as then cut all the profits with me 50/50.