CBD eased her pain, but it made her silly.

My wife used to be a serious lady, but she was also always in pain.

She was in a car accident when she was a toddler, but her left leg and arm had never developed properly because of nerve and muscle damage.

When medical marijuana was legalized, she begged me to help her get a medical marijuana ID card. I wouldn’t have said no, so I wasn’t sure why she thought it was necessary to beg. When her marijuana card arrived, she was excited. We went to the marijuana dispensary that same day. She told them she was there to purchase medical marijuana. The young woman told her she was at the right place since this was a medical marijuana dispensary. I had never seen my wife laugh so much as when she got the package to the car. She told me she was finally going to get some relief from the pain. We got home and I pulled out the bottle with the tablet inside. The budtender told us the tablets could be melted under the tongue, or taken with fluid. They worked more quickly than OTC painkillers. There was enough THC in the pills to make her a little giggly, but it would also be a long lasting pain reliever. My wife took the pills as directed, and they lasted four hours before she even mentioned the pain. I was glad she got medical marijuana because it really has helped her with the pain and her mood. Although the CBD eased her pain, the THC made her silly.


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