Cannabis is part of recent fitness focus

I knew I wasn’t going to avoid the inevitable.

  • At some point, I knew that I was going to have to address the status of my health.

I was just hoping that a heart attack didn’t beat me to it. Thankfully, that hasn’t been the case. But there are days with this new focus on fitness that I wonder if my heart is just going to explode. Thanks to trips to the local cannabis spot, I’ve got a tool to lean on when it comes to recovery, perspective and perseverance right now. The main thing for me is to simply not give up. And man, it’s so hard. I’ve never been confused with being athletic but I was active at least. That is until I hit my late 30’s and my life became so much more sedentary. This was the big thing for me. That and indulging my appetites with every whim. But with help from sativa strains and indica products, I’m able to continue to keep on with my fitness quest. For real, like I want to be fit and be active as I get older. Being almost 50, I know too that’s it’s sort of now or never. And I see why given how hard this has been these first few months. The indica strains though sure help my body recover and give me improved range of motion. Then, the sativa strains I get from the local cannabis spot keep my head in the game. There is just something about sativa products that keep me smiling, in the moment and not afraid of what’s coming next. With trips to the local cannabis spot, I’m going to get to my fitness goals for sure.


marijuana dispensary portland