Cannabis gummies have a lot of sugar in them

My next door neighbor is Jim, and is the only bodybuilder I have ever met in person.

I see the competitions on ESPN in the middle of the night sometimes, and I always thought it was really weird. These people spend so much time crafting their bodies, molding them into sculptures of muscle, and then they grease themselves up and go pose in front of judges. I always assumed these types of people were aggressive, but Jim is the most chill guy I have ever met. Jim smokes a lot of medical marijuana, and that surprised me a lot. I assumed that someone has rabidly obsessed with physical fitness would not partake in medical cannabis, but Jim proved me wrong. He was a total health nut, and avoided all sugar in food and drink, but he said that medical cannabis had no sugar, no carbs, and no calories. He admitted that smoking medical cannabis was not great for his lungs, but it was still preferable to using edibles that were loaded with sugar and chemicals. Besides I don’t think Jim cared as much about his health as how good he looked, so medical cannabis was a safe vice to have. I myself prefer using cannabis gummies or other kinds of edibles, because I don’t like to make my house smell like smoke. Once I read the back of the packaging for the cannabis gummies and saw how much sugar was in them, I understood Jim’s point. They get you high, and they taste great, but cannabis gummies are loaded with sugar!


medical cannabis products