All medical weed products have to be compliance diagnosed

I’m cheerful that the food as well as drug administration exists to guarantee that consumable products are safe for people to ingest; I would rather live in a society with regulations on food than in a society that did not have them at all.

It’s not a perfect system, but it’s much better than living in a developing country where you can’t be sure about what you are eating from one day to the next, however some people would argue that both of us deal with a similar situation with processed food… They would argue that a lot of the chemicals you find in sweets as well as other items loaded with preservatives aren’t necessarily safe for human consumption.

I easily understand where those people are coming from. The two of us don’t have long-term studies determining the exact safety levels of some of the chemicals you find in random processed foods, but at the same time, there is some minimal compliance testing that has done. So with that in mind, you are going to find a similar situation in other countries with processed foods, however not only are you going to lack any regulatory oversight, but you are going to have people pursuing profits over safety in the same way companies do it in this country. That’s a large reason why cannabis products have to be compliance diagnosed with labs. This is especially important with medical cannabis products because they are used by people with medical ailments, you could cause one of these people to relapse or get more sick by selling them a product that has pesticides or chemical solvents in it. That’s a large area of what these lab tests are looking for. And these lab reports on all cannabis products are provided by the medical cannabis stores themselves.


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