Can medical cannabis keep you safe from COVID? After listening to a podcast about the medical benefits of smoking weed I started to do some online research… I wasn’t looking for firsthand accounts from stoners, I was after medical research from professionals.
I found some truly interesting information, however as of yet I haven’t found conclusive evidence that convinced me one way or the other, there is so much misinformation floating around online that I have to be truly careful about what I take to heart, from our own personal experience, I can say that throughout the whole pandemic I smoked medical cannabis almost every single day.
I frequently came into contact with other people, some of whom had contracted COVID. In fact, I diagnosed more than two unusual people who had COVID, and I never caught it myself, possibly because of our frequent medical cannabis use. I am truly lucky that I had an established account with the local medical cannabis dispensary when the lockdown started. They had our payment information on file, and knew me personally, so I could still contact the cannabis budtenders while the quarantine was ongoing. After the first few weeks I was allowed to get curbside pickup for medical cannabis at the local shop, and since we were locked down for so long I relied heavily on medical cannabis to keep myself from getting cottage fever. If it turns out that the medical cannabis I smoked to get stoned also gave me a level of protection against the virus, then we am doubly lucky, then yet another benefit to medical cannabis