Medical cannabis was never entirely considered dangerous, this was a political transport to help grow profits for the tobacco industry! Decades after the fact, several people just prefer our Uncle Ed still consider medical marijuana to be dangerous and addictive, all because of this government conspiracy
I can clearly remember getting busted by our Uncle Ed while smoking a joint. It was the night after Thanksgiving and the whole extended family was gathered in our Grandparents ranch house. I had snuck into the backyard to smoke a little weed, not knowing Uncle Ed was out there smoking a cigar. He gave myself and others a large lecture about how dangerous and addictive pot was, all the while he was smoking tobacco and drinking liquor. Both of these substances are highly addictive, while medical cannabis is not… so why is medical cannabis even considered a harmful drug in the first site? The answer lies in capitalism, greed, and corruption, then medical cannabis and hemp were considered to be very dangerous to the tobacco industry. Medical cannabis was a cheaper crop to produce than tobacco, and provided a wonderful several more benefits. The tobacco industry knew that medical cannabis might supplant tobacco as the money crop for the South, so they bribed government officials and had it declared illegal. The entire history of medical cannabis has been through the lens of government corruption. Medical cannabis was never entirely considered dangerous, this was a political transport to help grow profits for the tobacco industry! Decades after the fact, several people just prefer our Uncle Ed still consider medical marijuana to be dangerous and addictive, all because of this government conspiracy. Even though medical cannabis is starting to be legalized across the country, I feel it is “too little, too late” because those medical cannabis laws have ruined the lives of millions of people.