We went to a recreational cannabis store on our date night

When my husband Dale and I were looking for ideas for a date night, we were starting to get kind of discouraged.

It seems like we always do the same old thing.

We always end up in a movie and then we go out to dinner at our favorite place, and sometimes it just gets old. Neither of us want our marriage to get boring, so we’re always expanding our search. We keep on trying to find different things to do and this time we decided that we were going to go check out a new recreational cannabis store that they opened up about 30 miles away from our town. We knew that this was going to be a new experience for both of us because we’ve never even gone to a recreational cannabis store in our lives, much less purchased any. Both of us have been thinking about trying recreational cannabis over the past couple of years. Our kids have moved out now, and so now we feel like we can’t be more adventurous than we have been in the past. Dale thought that it would be fun for us to have dinner and drinks and then go over to the recreational marijuana dispensary. We both were excited about it and we felt like we were on an adventure together. We liked looking at and reading about the different types of marijuana edibles that they had in their store and we asked all kinds of questions before we ended up making a purchase. Our date night was a really fun success.

cannabis regulations