We used to take our acoustic guitars on hikes with joints in our pockets

My friend Matt and I used to go on hiking trips in the woods near our houses with acoustic guitars slung over our backs. We had a few favorite spots that we’d hike to so we could jam for a few hours in the peace and solitude of nature. I look fondly on these memories because I’m not in a position to experience them again anytime soon. Matt moved away and I don’t have any friends locally that I can jam with, either on guitars or in a band setting. I would die to find a drummer that I could play with from time to time, but it’s going to be a long time before that’s possible again. Matt and I listened to many of the same bands as well, which gave us even more to bond over when we’d meet up to hang out. Aside from hiking into the backwoods with our acoustic guitars slung over our backs, we’d also fill our pockets with cannabis joints to smoke on the trails. Years later I would purchase a battery powered cannabis vaporizer to take into the woods with me, but back in college we simply rolled joints of ground cannabis flower buds that we purchased from a friend who possessed contacts in the illegal cannabis trade. I miss those hiking trips as much for the weed experience back then as I do for the music. I’ll never know what it’s like to experience weed at that age again before it eventually became something “normal” in my day to day life. This is also how I experienced many of my favorite weed strains for the first time, especially sativas like Sour Diesel and indicas like Hindu Kush.


medical uses for cannabis