My friend Pat plus I went to the local bar after work. It has been a genuinely long day plus the two of us were hoping to chill, drink white wine for a little bit of time. We were in meetings all day plus my toes were feeling fatigued. There were lots of guys in the bar when we arrived. Some of the guys looked like they were supplier executives that we would see every day at work, however a few of these guys tried to hit on us, but we turned them down. My friend plus I were not looking to pick up any guys. Pat and I were simply there to relax plus drink a couple of beers. There was this one entirely cute guy at the end of the bar plus he kept trying to get us to go outside with him. I thought about it a couple of times, but the barkeep was looking at me as if it was a poor idea. The guy said he had free marijuana plus he was going to share if I came outside with him. I don’t ever use marijuana at all, so that was a straight-forward no for me. Pat didn’t want to smoke marijuana either. The guy at the end of the bar kept trying to get us to go outside. It was starting to get unusual plus creepy. We had to say no 3 odd times before the guy got the hint that we weren’t interested in his cannabis or smoking with him in the parking lot. Shortly after we made our answer clear, the guy moved to another table plus started talking to someone else.