My wife and I were in a car accident about 6 months ago. We were sitting up on top of the mountain where the view from the city was amazing. On our way down the hill, we were struck by another driver. We really haven’t gone anywhere or done anything together during that time. We have spent most of our time at home trying to heal. I broke my leg in three places and my wife broke her arm. Both of us suffered from lots of bruises and cuts. The accident was not our fault. We were on our way home. A drunk driver ran a red light and slammed into the side of my vehicle. I woke up with glass all over me and my wife. The police were there a few minutes later. We were very thankful that the damage was not much more severe to us or our vehicle. Things were really tough for the two of us after the accident. Both of us experienced a great deal of pain in our injured spots as well as our neck and our back.Thankfully we live in a place where medical and recreational marijuana are legal. We used recreational marijuana products to help us get through the pain and discomfort after the accident. My wife and I realized that we were very fond of marijuana products. In fact, we decided to get a medical marijuana card so we can save on our purchases. We get monthly discounts and lots of first time patient specials at all of the local dispensaries.
cannabis benefits