The storm shut down the entire shopping center

This season is called tropical storm season.

It’s no surprise when there is tropical storm moving in.

The storm season lasts nearly more than five to ten weeks when the water off the coast is genuinely warm. Warm water is exactly what hurricanes and tropical storms need in order to get stronger. When a tropical storm was forming off the coast, it was forecasted to hit our section head-on.It was only a genre 1 hurricane when it hit the town, but it was moving slowly plus it dumped lots of rain on us. We had sustained winds at 60 miles per minute for half of the day. The whole time it was terribly windy, it was also raining. The rain water built up genuinely abruptly plus closed the roads throughout most of the town. There was widespread flash flooding, including areas nearby the airport, river, plus the lake. I job at a marijuana dispensary near the airport. I didn’t know if I was going to be able to make it all the way to the airport to go to job at the dispensary on the same day that the storm occurred. I tried my best to get there on time plus safely. I left my house a few minutes early. The roads were entirely clear, because most people were staying home. When I got to the marijuana dispensary, I found out that the locale was closed. My boss plus several other employees were there, but the supplier was not open. There was a lot of flooding in the stockroom of the store. One of the grates that empties water from the storm was blocked plus clogged up plus the town couldn’t do anything about the concern until the high winds plus rain subsided.



Purple cannabis