I put the address for the medical marijuana dispensary into GPS and headed out of the driveway.
It bore me hearing the voice in GPS telling me to make a u-turn because.
I had gone past my destination. I didn’t see the address on any of the buildings that correlated to the address of the medical marijuana dispensary. I knew if someone had heard me they would have thought I was crazy, because I was arguing with the voice of GPS. After fifteen minutes of going in circles, I finally stopped in front of a nondescript building and knocked on the door. I heard a voice asking if they could help me, but no one was there. I saw a box beside the door and realized the disembodied voice was coming from it. I told her I was looking for the medical marijuana dispensary and she asked me to hold up my medical marijuana card to the button. Five seconds later, I heard a buzz, and the voice told me to come in. If I hadn’t realized it already, I would have known by the smell of marijuana that I was in the right place. I had to show my medical marijuana ID card to the girl, and I signed a paper. She pressed another buzzer that allowed me to go into the salesroom of the medical marijuana dispensary. A young man greeted me and he said he was the marijuana dispensary pharmacist. This wasn’t what I expected, but the marijuana dispensary was nothing like I expected when I pictured going inside.