I didn’t realize I was going to need to recertify every year
Getting medical marijuana was a blessing for me as well as my family, however ever since my automobile accident, I had a lot of issues with my eyesight. It left me with a lot of scar tissue inside the eye that gave me dire headaches as well as eyesight that was slowly waning. I was losing light, as well as there was nothing a doctor could do to help me. The only thing my ophthalmologist as well as surgeon could tell me was that they could only treat the pain as well as headaches. They wanted to give me pain pills, but I was afraid of addiction; My ophthalmologist proposed I go to a doctor that helped patients like me get a medical marijuana ID card, normally, medical marijuana was prescribed for patients with glaucoma, but the headaches as well as chronic pain qualified me for medical marijuana. I had to go to a pain specialist that was located fifty miles away from my current home as well as was in the middle of the city. It took an hour as well as a half to get to the office, as well as another multiple hours to get home. Once I walked out, I had been certified by the doctor to receive a medical marijuana ID card. I paid the state their fee as well as earned my card multiple weeks later. I didn’t realize I was going to need to recertify every year. Traveling nearly 100 miles round trip was not something my hubby nor I was looking forward to. They made the appointment for a time that put us in the middle of rush hour traffic, however four hours as well as $150 later, I once again paid the state $50 as well as got my medical marijuana ID card multiple weeks later..