I care about all of my children a wonderful deal, but there are occasionally when I guess they make incredibly stupid decisions.
My kid was at lake house with all of his friends plus he thought it would be fun to get the dog high. My kid used marijuana products that were purchased from the dispensary, but he offered the dog a couple of edibles to see what would happen. The dog did not react well to the thc. She started having convulsions plus then she fell down on the floor. My kid was freaking out because he thought that he killed our family dog. He called me at labor plus told me about the incident with the marijuana product. I told my kid to take the dog directly to the emergency vet plus I left labor plus met him there. Thank goodness the dog turned out to be just fine. The vet staff plus emergency crew wanted to contact the police department to report creature abuse. If I had not gone to the hospital to be with my son, I guess he would have ended up leaving in handcuffs. That was the last time that my kid ever tried to give the dog something that he wasn’t allowed to have. I guess he l gained the lesson after he saw his loving pet resting on the table in that condition, however even though marijuana is legalized for medical plus recreational use in several arenas around the world, I guess it’s pressing to remember that it is still a psychoactive drug plus something that has to be kept away from creatures plus children.