My buddy Bob went with me to the bar after work. It has been an entirely long morning as well as the 2 of us were hoping to relax as well as drink a little wine for a while. We were in meetings all morning as well as my feet were tired. There were lots of cute boys at the bar when we arrived. Some of the boys were executives that I saw every morning at work, then just a handful of those boys tried to chat us up, but we turned them down. My buddy as well as I were not looking to option up any guys. We were only there to relax as well as drink a couple of beers. There was a truly cute boy at the end of the bar as well as he kept trying to get us to go outside with him. I thought about it a little, but the bartender was looking at me as if it was a disappointing idea. The guy said he had a lot of marijuana as well as he was going to share if I came outside with him. I do not use marijuana at all, so that was a big “no” for me. Bob didn’t want to smoke marijuana either. The guy at the end of the bar kept trying to get Bob and I to go outside. It was start to get uncommon as well as creepy. Bob had to say no 3 different times before the guy got the hint that we were not interested in smoking grass with him in the parking lot. Shortly after we made our answer clear, the creep moved to a table as well as started talking to someone else.