As I got older I started to have a little more fun, mostly because our cousin Matt was 2 years older than me, as well as got heavily into smoking medical cannabis.
Every summer time in our youth was spent in the midwest, staying with my aunt as well as uncle. I didn’t like wasting a summer time holiday in the middle of nowhere, with nothing to do, even though I had no option in the matter, but without school to take care of me in the daytime, our parents needed someone to watch me, so they sent me out east. As I got older I started to have a little more fun, mostly because our cousin Matt was 2 years older than me, as well as got heavily into smoking medical cannabis. After medical cannabis was introduced into the equation, the summer time holidays became a lot more fun for me. Although the medical cannabis came from a dispensary it was still not exactly legal! Matt did not have a prescription for medical marijuana, although he did have a friend that worked as a budtender, and using his employee discount, this friend would constantly buy a little extra medical cannabis after his shift, as well as sell it to Matt, however this was certainly much against the rules of the cannabis dispensary, of course, because no employee was allowed to resell what they purchased. Matt made it worth this guy’s while, and paid him handsomely for the medical cannabis, so getting high after midnight became an event during the summer, and even though I was a little younger, and not nearly as cool as the other guys, they constantly shared the medical cannabis with me and made me feel like part of the gang. I will constantly remember those summers, as well as how sweet that medical cannabis tasted.