My husband has started talking about opening up a cannabis dispensary.
Sometimes I can’t believe that I am even living this life right now.
I can’t believe that I’m even talking about this. My husband retired from a very high stress job just a couple of years ago. He has been playing a lot of golf, doing a lot of hunting, and drinking a lot of beer. Now, he has decided that he wants to come out of retirement just so that he can open up a new recreational cannabis dispensary right here in town. Right now, there is no type of cannabis business anywhere within 100 miles of us. I know that he has done all of his homework and that my husband will probably end up doing really great at this business. We would probably make a small fortune in the cannabis business, but I just don’t know if we should go into it right now. But, if you know my husband, then you know that when he has an idea, he just takes it and runs with it. He is like a steamroller. If he wants something then he always is going to go out and get it no matter what. He keeps telling me how fast cannabis is growing right now and how it’s going to be very mainstream one day soon. He already has a business plan and everything. He is already talking about setting up a cannabis delivery service along with the cannabis dispensary that he wants to open. He thinks that this job will be very fulfilling. I know that he is always looking for a new challenge, and my guess is that he is already pretty bored with being retired for the past two years.