My buddy gets the best weed in the city

My best buddy paid to get her medical marijuana card.

The woman spent almost $400 to see the dentist and pay for all of the paperwork that was necessary.

She told me that I should do it too, however I’m not interested in spending that kind of money just for someone to say I can smoke pot. I will admit that my buddy gets some really great weed from the marijuana dispensary. The flowers are constantly thick and bushy and the woman constantly finds something on sale. The marijuana strains are all grown outside in the sunlight with a few top shelf exceptions. The products are all guaranteed to satisfy. Every Monday day, the dispensary opens early and they have a sale on all of the pretzels nuggets. pretzels nuggets are the smallest buds on the flower. They are sold separately for a lower price than the greater and bushier buds. The price on the pretzels nuggets is unquestionably cheap on Monday day. My buddy will stack up as several as they will let him purchase, which is four per lady. The dispensary also has sales on edibles on Mondays. All of that house brand edibles are all buy 1 and get 1 for half off or buy more than one and get 1 for free. When the edible sale is happening, Jack constantly picks me up a little something! Last month it was difficult candies and the month before that it was free tincture samples. I’m hopeful this month will be some type of flower or concentrate product. I cna;t wait to see what she brings home.

medical marijuana regulations