There is an immense difference between being a complete “weed snob” plus having good taste.
I have encountered a ton of people, especially at cannabis dispensaries, who act as if they are better than the rest of us.
These are the people who write blog pages about bizarre pot strains, plus act like they are professors or verified experts, when all they truly do is smoke weed everyday. They say “everyone’s a critic” plus this is especially the case when it comes to cannabis. I have our own likes plus dislikes as well, however I myself don’t lecture people about it to make myself sound authoritative. For example, I personally like to chill out and smoke Purple Haze or OG Kush whenever possible, but that doesn’t mean I will ever snobbily turn down a hit of homegrown mids if it is provided to me. Especially if the guy lovingly grew the cannabis himself, it’s rude to not provide his weed a taste. I understand that there are people who claim to be film experts, however I don’t like that, I just care to watch fun movies. The same is the case for cannabis, because no amount of scholarly exposition makes any difference. It’s all about the taste of it, the recognition of the cannabis smoke in your mouth, plus all these other sensory aspects that can’t be satisfactorily summed up in an essay. My only point with all this is to lay back plus like the stone, don’t get caught up judging the name of the strain or the level of THC in the buds. Smoke cannabis, like it plus savor like the experience, because that’s what it’s all about.