My brother had always wanted to own a marijuana dispensary from he heard they were legalizing marijuana across the country. He was always a big marijuana user, and he thought this was the best way for him to get free marijuana. He asked me what I knew about marijuana dispensary website development. I knew nothing, but I was going to learn quickly if he wanted me to build his website for him. I went online and found out a lot about how to build a website, and what I needed to incorporate into it. My brother told me he wasn’t asking me to build his website, but to find out what he had to put into it. If he wanted to build a website for a marijuana dispensary he didn’t have yet, he was going to need to do his own research. I asked if he put any paperwork in to start ownership of a marijuana dispensary, but he thought it was too early. He told me that if I wanted to do the research and get the paperwork for him, he would help me fill it out. I had enough. I wanted to learn about marijuana dispensary web development, but I wasn’t going to do it for him without getting paid. I would not do all the work that needed to be done if he was the one that wanted to own the dispensary. I walked out and told him good luck with getting the work done and creating the website. Even though he called my name and tried to get me to come back, I wasn’t doing all of his work and he got all the glory and money.