When I was young cannabis was still pretty taboo; The people who smoked were pretty seedy.
- The thought of getting a drug dealer was entirely horrifying to me too, but i only got access to weed at the occasional party.
It was always the same too. There was either someone who brought pot brownies or who had cannabis flowers. I had tried smoking through a bowl plus found I didn’t entirely care about lighting it. I also tried smoking through a bong. There was so much work in the heating process that I usually messed it up plus had someone help me. I entirely didn’t care about smoking the flower since it felt too much care about a cigarette. I didn’t want to eat fattening brownies anytime I wanted to get high. So as a young woman, I did not partake in weed at all… When I got older plus recreational cannabis became legal in my state, I decided to look around the dispensary. I then realized that I could smoke cannabis, but only an oil form. There is no hard setup plus heating process with oil, you just press a button plus are on your way. I wouldn’t look dumb when I wanted to smoke, but as far as edibles go, there are so several more openings than brownies too. I can even get drinks, cooking oils plus butters if I want to. I can choose to have a tasty baked enjoyable care about a brownie, cookie or cake. There are also handy candies, mints, gums plus tablets too. The cannabis world is more vast than I thought.