Most of the places are marijuana delivery services, but a few of the stores are actual brick-and-mortar buildings where we can walk inside and browse the selection.
Marijuana is only legal for medical purposes in one third of the country. I find that to be a stunning statistic given the fact that there are so many states that have legalized recreational marijuana. My family and I moved to a state that has legal recreational marijuana, because I suffer from terrible muscle spasms. The muscle spasms cause my hands and feet to move on their own and I have terrible restless legs throughout the entire evening. I was using medical marijuana and paying a fortune. When I found out that the same company had a branch in a state that had legal recreational marijuana, I moved there immediately. The move was difficult on my kids, but I could give them a better life when I had more money in my pocket. My bill for marijuana was cut in half and that gave me more money for activities and fun stuff. One thing that I really love is the ease of delivery. I can have marijuana delivered from 14 different stores, because I live in the city. Most of the places are marijuana delivery services, but a few of the stores are actual brick-and-mortar buildings where we can walk inside and browse the selection. I don’t prefer to go anywhere like that because of my muscle spasms. I prefer to stay home and use the delivery service whenever possible. I have everything brought to the house including my food, laundry, and all of the essentials that I need. My kids are grown up now and I have become quite a hermit.