I didn’t wake up until the next morning, when the maintenance guy was knocking on my door.
The air conditioner in my apartment is right next to the kitchen. When there are problems with the air conditioner, sometimes water will leak onto the floor by the kitchen. I didn’t know this when I originally moved into my apartment. I was hanging out with some friends one night and we smoked a lot of weed. Someone dropped me off at my apartment and I walked into the house. As soon as I felt the water under my feet, I began to panic and I fell down. I thought there was a huge flood. Most of the problem was due to being really high, but I didn’t know that at the time. I contacted the maintenance department for the apartments and I told them that my house was flooded. The guy told me to calm down and he asked me to describe the problem. When he realized that I was talking about the air conditioner, he told me that he would come to work on the problem in the morning. I decided to lay down on the bed and go to sleep for a couple of hours. I didn’t wake up until the next morning, when the maintenance guy was knocking on my door. The guy immediately checked the thermostat and found that the temperature inside of the house was 60°. I was so high on marijuana that I did not realize that I adjusted the temperature so low. I was the reason why the problem occurred and I didn’t even remember changing the temperature on the thermostat. I thought the maintenance guy was going to be angry, but he laughed when I told him that I was probably high when I made the mistake.