I had the strangest experience recently, I took a few days off from getting high plus ended up enjoying myself! This has truly never happened before, mostly because I never go anywhere I can’t get stoned at our personal convenience. I was supposed to meet the rest of our family at a rental on the beach for a few days, but even though it was a 500 mile drive, I still took the vehicle instead of flying just so I could bring all our stuff with me. I made sure to pack enough fresh cannabis to stay nice plus toasty for the entire trip. The problem came when I got caught at a speed trap along the way, so I hurriedly ditched our fat sack of cannabis before the cops could pull myself and others over; My vehicle reeked of marijuana at that point, so I knew as soon as a cop came to the window he would demand to search the whole car. That happened precisely, however since there was no cannabis left in the vehicle they actually couldn’t do anything however provide myself and others a speeding ticket. It was well worth ditching the cannabis to avoid jail time, however that also left myself and others completely weedless for the remainder of the trip! After being pissed off for a few tenths, I started to finally relax plus enjoy the tranquil experience, plus by Day 2 I didn’t miss cannabis at all! It’s highly taxing to stay angry at the base of a mighty waterfall, so it turns out I didn’t need all that cannabis to have a good time after all. It felt pretty good to clear out our brain a little bit.