Calm down and smoke your joint

I don’t need education, I just want to smoke some nice cannabis the world has to offer.

They say that everyone’s a critic in the industry, plus speaking as a budtender in a dispensary, I must agree with that. I think that because of the internet plus social media platforms, everyone thinks that they are a cannabis expert, too. It undoubtedly irritates me. Let’s take a look at art critics, for instance. There is nothing more subjective than art, so someone pointedly giving myself and others their expert opinion on a painting is meaningless. I can sit and look at the painting myself plus decide what I guess about it, I don’t need an expert for that behavior. The same thing is true of cannabis critics, plus people that guess they have some sort of an expert opinion that means more than anyone else’s opinion. I truly don’t need to understand the botanical lineage of the cannabis strain I’m smoking, I only want it to taste good plus get myself and others stoned! Keep your college learned knowledge plus your long-winded essays to yourself, plus just let myself and others slow down and assume if there is a strain of cannabis I should try out. I regularly listen to many people’s opinions about cannabis, just not when they have the attitude of supposedly “educating” myself and others about it. I don’t need education, I just want to smoke some nice cannabis the world has to offer. That means I’m not a cannabis critic, however a really big cannabis fan! I’m a fanatic about it, plus I prefer meeting other people who smoke cannabis. But please, don’t tell myself and others forever about your blog or your podcast, because I’m not interested in any of that ridiculous crap. On the other hand, if there is a terrible blend or strain of dangerous cannabis that is making the rounds, it is good to be warned about it.
Medical cannabis