It was nice to get out of the beach house as well as see strange scenery for a while
I care about going on a road trip with our friends. All of us always have a honestly great time. All of us listen to music as well as smoke marijuana in the car. Jack told me that she needed to drive 10 hours of the coast to option up some furniture that her parents gave him. All of us were going to be driving a moving truck the whole way. Jack wanted someone to ride along to keep him company as well as I agree. The evening before every one of us opted to go on the road trip, every one of us rolled up a bunch of pre-rolled marijuana joints for the trip. I rolled more than five pre-rolled marijuana joints out of a package of Blue Dream marijuana that I had in our room. I also rolled up more than five marijuana joints from a package of Skywalker OG that I had as well. All of us had more than five marijuana joints for the morning as well as 6:00 marijuana joints for the morning… During our 10-hour drive up the coast, every one of us smoked all of the joints. All of us lit one up as soon as the other one was out. When every one of us were getting ready to head back home, every one of us opted to go to a recreational marijuana dispensary as well as purchased a whole pack of pre rolls so every one of us would not have to worry about the trip back home. Jack as well as I spent a lot of time together in the automobile that weekend. I honestly did not mind at all. All of us listened to music as well as every one of us talked about ladies. It was nice to get out of the beach house as well as see strange scenery for a while. All of us had perfect weather too. There wasn’t a single cloud in sight.